IT Expert Blog

Why using the best practices framework for managing IT systems and cybersecurity is beneficial

By Scott Alldridge | - Oct. 30, 2018

Protect your customers and your reputation Your financial institution deals with sensitive material, and you must ensure that your customers’ information and your assets are protected. You need to have an experienced IT compliance and cybersecurity company to assist and create a custom solution for your institution. IP services literally wrote the book on implementing best practices for managing IT…

Why Boards & Management Should Care About Both Cybersecurity and IT Management Practices!

By Scott Alldridge | - Oct. 26, 2017

Just look at the news every few weeks and you will learn yet another company or organization has suffered a cybersecurity breach. Have you really ever considered just how deep this impacts that company or organization? What are the real costs? How did this this breach occur, how could their IT department let this happen?…

Is Change Management A Critical Factor In Trusted Computing?

By Scott Alldridge | - Feb. 28, 2017

I would propose this working thesis; no security breach happens without a change or a need for a change! Do you unequivocally know what has changed in your IT Footprint? Let’s start here think about your holistic IT environment starting from the physical aspects all the way to your applications and most importantly your data.…

Next Generation Security

By Scott Alldridge | - Sep. 01, 2016

Cybersecurity breaches seem to occupy too many headlines these days. There seems to be so many attention-grabbing examples of how inadequate information, applications, and IT security can impact our businesses. There is documented evidence that security breaches can affect brand, marketplace trust, customer privacy and identity, not to mention the bottom line. The proliferation of…

Why your Cybersecurity strategy needs DevOps

By Ryan Riggs | - Aug. 01, 2016

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link In the past few years, leaders have accepted that the human error is the biggest security risk to an organization, and organizations have responded with valuable policies and programs such as security awareness training and multi-factor authentication. Necessary, but not sufficient. Organizations must continue implementing more robust security measures, expanding…

What Do Castles and Internet Security Have in Common?

By Mark Allers | - Jun. 16, 2016

For the past two decades myself and a handful of others have been preaching the fact that organizations must look at security through a different set of glasses. For too many years we’ve been enamored with the bright shiny objects created by Symantec, IBM, Checkpoint and other technology companies where they want to keep the…

The Ultimate Backstop for Hospital Cybersecurity

By IP Services | - Apr. 26, 2016

By Bill Siwicki | April 15, 2016  “Healthcare entities that want to be well positioned against cybersecurity threats must know what resources they have, how those are configured, and tightly control any changes,” IT Process Institute chief executive Scott Alldridge said. IT Process Institute CEO Scott Allridge has cybersecurity advice for healthcare executives: Consider ITIL,…

Essential Elements of a Cybersecurity Program

By Scott Van Den Elzen | - Nov. 03, 2015

Cybersecurity is getting a lot more attention these days, even if it is not all the attention it deserves.  (Did you know that breaches are still increasing faster than spending on cybersecurity?  Some of the best data in this space comes from the federal government – here’s a good synopsis:  Federal Cybersecurity Breaches Mount Despite…

Depending on Open Source software is Risky Business (and Heartbleed proves it!)

By Scott Van Den Elzen | - May. 07, 2014

By all accounts, Heartbleed is the worst security flaw in the history of the Internet.  What it is and why it is so bad has been talked about ad nauseum, so I won’t bore you with those kinds of details, but here are a couple places to learn more about it if you are not…


Cybersecurity Protection Strategies, Engaging VisibleOps

In a world where cybersecurity threats are increasingly complex, organizations must adopt robust practices to secure their IT operations.

“The VisibleOps Handbook” series produced by IP Services, in partnership with the IT Process Institute, provides a framework to address these challenges, focusing on creating transparent and auditable IT processes.

Learn more about these risks in IP Service's Free Report: "Cyber Attack Primer".

Get the Report