Warning: The Hole In Your Cyber-Insurance Policy That Could Result In Your Claim Being Denied Coverage
You’ve all heard the stats – small businesses are the #1 target for cybercriminals because they’re easy targets, with a recent article in Security Magazine reporting that nearly two-thirds (63%) of small businesses have experienced a cyber-attack and 58% an actual breach. But what many still don’t understand (or simply don’t appreciate) is how much a cyber-attack…
Read MoreThe Shocking Facts About The New FTC Safeguards Rule That Affect Nearly EVERY Small Business Operating Today
As former President Ronald Regan once said, the scariest words you’ll ever hear are “We’re from the government, and we’re here to help.” In this case, the government is trying to help by forcing nearly all businesses to implement and maintain a strong cyber security program to protect the customer information these companies host –…
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